7 Tips For Caring For Winter Skin From Washington DC’s Leading Dermatologists

January 14, 2020

Top DC Dermatologists Share 7 Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy During Even the Harshest DC Winters

The holidays are over and winter is here! The dermatologists at Integrated Dermatology in Washington DC have shared seven secrets to keep your skin healthy in the harsh weather:

  1. Change your skin care routine. During the winter months, your skin tends to be very dry, which can cause “winter itch.” This is especially true if you are prone to eczema. It is important to take lukewarm showers with hydrating cleansers such as Dove Deep Moisturize Nourishing Body Wash and avoid prolonged time in hot water. “You must moisturize your skin immediately following the shower to lock in the moisture with an emollient,” says Integrated Dermatology Medical Director Dr. Agnes Chang. “Otherwise, the low humidity in the air will pull the water from the skin into the air, leaving your skin very dry.” Among Dr. Chang’s favorite moisturizers are Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion and SkinMedica Advanced Firming Lotion.
  2. Take a break from harsh or irritating products. During winter, prescriptions and products that you tolerated well in the summer may become irritating. Since the winter air is so dry, you may need to cut down on irritating products, and may need to bump up on skin hydration.  Our advice is to decrease the frequency of your exfoliating cleanser or your retinoid cream, and increase the frequency of your moisturizer.
  3. Introduce hyaluronic acid. We recommend adding hyaluronic acid into their regimen.  This helps many patients tolerate their Retin-A’s and exfoliating cleansers.  Dr. Chang personally uses the SkinMedica HA5 because it has 5 different types of HA5 that are clinically proven to increase your skin’s hydration for up to 8 hours following application. She recommends Neutrogena HydraBoost as an alternative in a pinch.
  4. Start laser hair removal now. Although the warm weather is months away, we recommend starting the process now. More often than not, patients don’t realize they cannot be tan for two weeks leading up to or following treatment. To avoid this, Dr. Chang advises her patients to schedule their complimentary consultation in January and start treatment in February.
  5. Drink plenty of water. The human body is composed of 60% water, which is essential for vital organ functions and an absolute must for vital healthy skin. The rule of thumb is to drink half of your weight in ounces a day. For example, for someone who weighs 120 lbs, you need to drink a minimum of 60 oz. of water per day. “Not only is it important to hydrate your skin from the outside in with moisturizers, but it is also important to nourish your skin from the inside out,” says Dr. Agnes Chang.
  6. Bring travel size products to the gym. Many people resolve to go to the gym more this time of year, but Dr. Lauren McKelroy says this can lead to breakouts if you don’t take preventative measures. She keeps a travel sized SkinMedica AHA BHA cleanser in her gym bag, which helps to prevent and treat break outs. For sensitive or dry skin, she recommends the Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser. “The most important thing,” she believes, “is cleansing before you leave the gym.”
  7. Start fresh this year with healthy skin goals! Dr. Agnes Chang suggests consulting with a board-certified dermatologist to discuss your skin health goals for 2020. “As we set our New Year’s goals, it is important to put self-care as a top priority,” she says. “Putting your health first, including your skin health, as a top goal is important for the vibrant life that you would like to lead.” Whether you have a medical concern such as skin cancer or want a good anti-aging strategy, a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist is recommended.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologists and providers.

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